Tooth Filling

Revitalize your smile with white composite tooth fillings at Sifton Bog Dental in Oakridge. Enjoy a blend of aesthetics and functionality in your dental care.

In today's world, having a bright and perfect smile is often linked with confidence and hygiene. At Sifton Bog Dental we offer composite white tooth fillings as a quick and cost-effective solution to restore your smile's natural beauty.

The Process of Cosmetic Dentistry Tooth Fillings

Our approach begins with a comprehensive examination, focusing on preventing recurrent caries and ensuring the high quality of our restorations. We frequently use a rubber dam during procedures for safety and to maintain a dry, clean working area, crucial for optimal filling placement.

Achieving Aesthetically Pleasing and Functional Results

Dr. Kabak meticulously matches the color of dental materials to your teeth, restoring them to their natural shape and strength. Your restored tooth will not only be stronger but also seamlessly blend with your natural teeth.

Benefits of White Composite Tooth Fillings

These tooth-colored fillings are applied to or within the tooth, using a less invasive method that requires minimal drilling. Composite resin fillings are glued painlessly to the tooth and cured with a special blue light, turning them into a robust structure able to withstand heavy chewing pressure, while blending with your natural teeth for an aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Replacing Amalgam Fillings

Although amalgam fillings have been popular and durable, they can lead to tooth fractures over time. At Sifton Bog Dental, we assess the risks and may recommend replacing old amalgam fillings with white composite fillings or crowns to prevent further damage.

Committed to Quality and Patient-Centric Care

Sifton Bog Dental in Oakridge, London, Ontario, is renowned for combining extensive dental experience with modern knowledge and technology, focusing on a patient-centered approach to deliver high-quality, affordable dental services.

Ready for a Smoother Dental Experience?

At Sifton Bog Dental, we make scheduling your next dental visit as easy as a click. Our friendly online booking system in Oakridge is designed for your convenience. Secure your spot today for hassle-free dental care.

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