Dental Implants

Embrace the fusion of function and aesthetics with dental implants at Sifton Bog Dental. Led by Dr. Kabak's expertise in the Oakridge area, London, Ontario. Our implants offer a steadfast solution for restoring your smile and confidence.

What is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are a predictable way of replacing teeth that are lost because of trauma, decay, gum disease or in case when teeth are not formed. Dental implants look and feel natural. Research spanning over 20 years unequivocally demonstrates the remarkable success of dental implants.

Dental implants, which are placed in the jawbone, are small anchors made of a bio-compatible metal called titanium. The anchors begin to fuse with the bone over the course of a few months. After the fusing process, known as osseointegration, a special connector (an abutment post) is inserted into the dental implant to allow for the permanent attachment of the replacement teeth. Dr. Kabak will create a crown that looks like your natural tooth and attach it to the abutment.

Reasons for Dental Implants:

  • replace missing teeth
  • eliminate the need for dentures
  • prevent bone loss that occurs after a tooth is lost
  • prevent the shaving down of healthy teeth for a bridge
  • provide patients with the confidence of real teeth
  • allow patients to eat all the foods they enjoy
  • provide anchorage for the better retention of the dentures when all teeth are missing

Are you a candidate for dental implants?

You might be a candidate for dental implants if all of the following apply to you:

  • You are in good general health
  • You have healthy gums
  • You are not suffering from excessive bone loss (certain amount of bone is required for great stability of the dental implant)
  • You are over 18 years old ( growth of the jaws has to be completed)

There are conditions that reduce the prognosis and level of success of dental implants. Non controlled diabetes, conditions associated with the immune-suppression, use of injectable medications for treatment of the low bone density, and smoking are well known to be risk factors for the failure of the implants. It is important that mature age is not a contraindication for the implants.

If you have a missing tooth or teeth and you want to eat, speak, and chew normally, book a consultation with Dr. Kabak at Sifton Bog Dental in Oakridge, London, Ontario. Book online now!

Why are implants the Gold Standard?

Dental Implants offer numerous benefits over other treatments for replacing missing teeth. First of all, dental implants are the only treatment that actually arrest bone loss in the jaw that is always happening after the tooth is extracted. A process of bone resorption starts to occur immediately after the tooth is removed. When we place a dental implant the bone actually bonds with the titanium through the process of osseointegration. Once this happens there is no more danger of bone loss or deformation.

Dental implants are also more comfortable than most other treatments for missing teeth. They are definitely more comfortable than dentures, which may slip, click, cause sores, or even fall out if patients aren’t careful. Dentures get more uncomfortable as patients age, because changes in the underlying bone make the dentures stop fitting properly and patients must either get a new set or live with the discomfort. Dental implants, on the other hand, truly are a permanent solution that will always deliver superior comfort and performance.

Another important benefit of dental implants is that they give patients improved self-confidence over other methods of tooth replacement. In a study done on patients who had received dental implants, 80% said that their overall psychological health improved after they received dental implants. This is probably because having dental implants allows patients to more fully enjoy life. With dental implants patients can enjoy all the foods they like and are never worried about their false teeth in social situations. Dental implants offer patients a lifetime of better chewing and more confidence because they function just like real teeth.

At Sifton Bog Dental we have highly accomplished and experienced Dr. Kabak that will assess your dental health and general health to see if you are a candidate and if implants are the right solution for you.

An important part of the assessment provided at Sifton Bog Dental is 3D x-ray (CBCT) that is providing three dimensional information about teeth, bone, nerves, vessels in the area of the potential implant placement.

When you come to our Sifton Bog Dental in Oakridge, London, Ontario for dental implants, you can be assured of receiving the gold standard in dental implant care with unmatched personalized service.

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At Sifton Bog Dental, we make scheduling your next dental visit as easy as a click. Our friendly online booking system in Oakridge is designed for your convenience. Secure your spot today for hassle-free dental care.

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