Root Canal Treatment

Experience relief and preserve your natural teeth with root canal treatment at Sifton Bog Dental, conveniently located in Oakridge area, London, Ontario. Dr. Kabak's expertise ensures a comfortable, successful procedure.


Root canal treatment, a procedure performed over 14 million times annually, is pivotal in preserving natural teeth, potentially eliminating the need for dental implants or bridges.

Understanding Root Canal Infections

At the center of your tooth there is a space where pulp is located. Pulp is a collection of blood vessels and nerves that brings nutrients and gives sensitivity to the tooth. As a result of trauma to the tooth, deep decay, cracks and chips, or repeated dental procedures, pulp can get infected or damaged. Typical symptoms of the infection would be intense reaction to cold or heat, pain in the tooth at night, unprovoked pain, pain on biting at the tooth, swelling of the gum. Often pain is referring to the side of the head, along the jaw, to the ear.

Dr. Kabak recommends non-surgical treatment of the tooth, also known as root canal treatment. The injured pulp will be removed and the root canal system thoroughly cleaned and sealed. This therapy usually involves local anesthesia (freezing) and may be completed in one or more visits depending on the complexity of treatment. Success for this type of treatment occurs in about 96% of cases. If your tooth is not amenable to endodontic treatment or the chance of success is unfavorable, you will be informed at the time of consultation or when a complication becomes evident during or after treatment.

Advanced Techniques for Better Outcomes

Root canal treatment at Sifton Bog Dental in Oakridge, London, Ontario is done by Dr. Kabak with the use of the microscope which provides magnification ranging from 5 to 20 (a dentist could see a tooth and its parts 20 times larger). It is a significant advantage that is increasing prognosis of the root canal treatment and ability to save the tooth.

Comfortable and Convenient Treatment in Oakridge

We ensure a pain-free experience with local anesthesia and offer nitrous oxide sedation or oral sedation if needed. Most patients can comfortably resume their daily activities post-treatment.

Experiencing a toothache? Call us to discuss your dental needs and seek comfort.

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At Sifton Bog Dental, we make scheduling your next dental visit as easy as a click. Our friendly online booking system in Oakridge is designed for your convenience. Secure your spot today for hassle-free dental care.

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