Dental Crowns and Bridges

Enhance and protect your smile with custom-fitted dental crowns at Sifton Bog Dental, a premier facility in the heart of Oakridge, London, Ontario. Dr. Kabak offers advanced crown solutions, from repair to cosmetic improvements, ensuring long-lasting, beautiful results in the Oakridge community.

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown, or cap, completely envelops the tooth's surface to return it to its intended shape and size. Crowns are typically utilized to bolster and protect tooth structure when fillings or other restorative measures are not sufficient. Notably, crowns made from porcelain or zirconia are often selected for cosmetic enhancements as well.

Various materials are available for crowns, including metal, zirconia, and porcelain fused to metal, with zirconia and porcelain being preferred for their close resemblance to natural tooth enamel. These crowns are crafted to blend with the contour, dimensions, and shade of your teeth, providing you with a durable and aesthetically pleasing smile.

While crowns are designed for longevity, they may need to be replaced after many years, often due to decay. At Sifton Bog Dental in Oakridge, London, Ontario, Dr. Kabak educates patients on proper crown care to extend its durability.

The Importance of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are essential for:

  • Fortifying a fragile tooth that may fracture due to decay or developmental anomalies, thus preventing severe damage.
  • Repairing a tooth that is already fractured or excessively worn.
  • Reinforcing a tooth with extensive filling when little natural structure remains.
  • Securing a dental bridge.
  • Concealing significantly stained or inherently flawed teeth.
  • Covering dental implants.
  • Cosmetic enhancements for undersized, misaligned, or rotated teeth.

Procedure for Dental Crown Preparation

Acquiring porcelain or zirconia crowns typically involves two visits. The initial visit entails taking precise molds or a 3D scan for your tailored crown. These impressions can also aid in cosmetic enhancements to ensure the crown surpasses the appearance of your natural teeth. A temporary crown is made from this mold to be worn until the permanent one is ready.

Dr. Kabak will prepare your tooth for the crown by removing decay and shaping the tooth while you are frozen (the same freezing you would get for a filling). After securing the temporary crown and ensuring proper fit, you'll return for a second appointment at Sifton Bog Dental, where your temporary crown is replaced with the new one. You'll receive maintenance guidance and the suggestion for routine dental check-ups.

We are delighted to announce that Sifton Bog Dental now offers one-day crown procedures. Thanks to Dr. Kabak's expertise, residents of Oakridge can enjoy even more convenient and efficient dental services.

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At Sifton Bog Dental, we make scheduling your next dental visit as easy as a click. Our friendly online booking system in Oakridge is designed for your convenience. Secure your spot today for hassle-free dental care.

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