Dental Checkup

Stay on top of your oral health with regular dental checkups at Sifton Bog Dental in Oakridge, ensuring a bright and healthy smile year-round.


Emphasizing preventive dental care is key to maintaining a healthy smile throughout your life. At Sifton Bog Dental in Oakridge, London, Ontario, we advocate for regular dental checkups combined with diligent oral hygiene to preserve your dental health for years to come.

Components of a Dental Checkup

  • Addressing your dental concerns and queries;
  • Updating any changes in your overall health or medications;
  • Conducting minimal radiation x-rays for early detection of dental issues;
  • Thorough examinations including skin, TMJ, lymph nodes, oral cancer screening, gums, and teeth;
  • Reviewing findings and discussing treatment plans.

Every three to five years, a comprehensive exam is conducted by Dr. Kabak, involving an in-depth assessment of your dental health.

Preventive Dental Care Tips

  • Regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush;
  • Daily flossing and using mouthwash to eliminate bacteria and freshen breath;
  • Eating a balanced diet and limiting sugary snacks;
  • Maintaining up to six meals a day, including tooth-friendly snacks;
  • Regular dental visits every six months for professional cleanings;
  • Considering dental sealants for additional protection against decay;
  • Using sports mouthguards to protect your teeth during physical activities.

Home Dental Care's Importance

While regular visits to Sifton Bog Dental are crucial for maintaining dental health, your daily home care practices are equally vital. Keeping your smile bright and healthy between visits is a collaborative effort.

Ready for a Smoother Dental Experience?

At Sifton Bog Dental, we make scheduling your next dental visit as easy as a click. Our friendly online booking system in Oakridge is designed for your convenience. Secure your spot today for hassle-free dental care.

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